People ask me all the time what cert they should get if they are interested in getting into tech. Usually, I say that it depends on your goals, but lately, I have been thinking about the impact that one cert has and it's clear advantages over the other entry level certifications. I have watched this one certification quickly jump start a change in other people's lives, and it even helped change my life. The certification that I am talking about is the CompTIA Security+ certification.
This certification allowed me to become an overseas engineer, doubling my salary within 6 months of passing. Dio, a friend of mine who also booked a consultation with me was able to pass the certification and receive an overseas offer within 6 months as well. (If you are interested in joining my consultation waitlist click here)
If you aren't interested in going overseas there are many positions available in the states that this certification will put you in a competitive position. It costs $350 (they keep going up on the price smh) and once you have obtained your certification you never need to sit for it again. You just need to complete CompTIA’s CertMaster CE which is a course that has a quiz at the end of each section. You have unlimited tries for the quizzes, once you pass all quizzes with 100% you have renewed your Security+ certification. You only need to renew once every 3 years, so it isn’t a difficult process at all, or you can complete other certifications that count toward your Security+ renewal. To learn more about the renewal process click here .
The Security+ certification can take you from not being able to get your foot in the door in tech to allow you to get looks by big companies for positions you never thought you could get. The certification alone isn't enough to get you where you need to be, you must be willing to work hard and become knowledgeable in your field. Being able to talk your way through the interview and display your skillset once you start working is the name of the game.
Some positions that you can start applying for are help desk (tier 1 or tier 2), network engineer, system administrator, security operation center analyst, information security analyst, and cyber engineer.
Here is a quick look at the salary ranges for Security+ holders

Remember you need to be ready to talk intelligently about the position you applied for during the interview, so take your new career seriously. You are only cheating yourself when you half ass your studying.
If you are ready to jump into tech and looking to create a strong technical foundation check out my Defense Industry guide
I have created an exclusive group for us to discuss the best techniques and strategies to excel in the defense industry. Which you gain access too once you purchase the guide.
If you need resume help make the investment in yourself and book a resume makeover with Brittany B. company Rebrand CC https://rebrandcc.com/start-here . The results that she gets her clients speak for themselves, so check her out.
Even if you don't plan on being very technical this is a good cert to have it is valued in all industries. Goodluck on your tech journey!
"Reverse engineer your life. Live a life of abundance" ,
- Beez
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